Friday, November 30, 2012


 Drawing Games!


Recently I've been thinking a lot about the problem solving aspect of art. All art is problem solving to a degree (which is why it's so unfortunate that art is often vulnerable when it comes to budget cuts) and the reason it's so important to developing minds! In a world of instant gratification it's become even more crucial a skill to practice.  I make a effort to include as many problem solving  projects as possible at the studio. Some  favorites of mine and one that is easy to do at home, in the car, whenever are..... Drawing Games! The beauty of a drawing game is that you don't need special materials or even the ability to draw well. Simple imagery and stick figures work fine! Here are a couple of fun drawing games for the next time your child is bored at home, in the car, or at a restaurant!

Drawing An Adjective! (ages 5+)

I learned long ago that if you can add an element of chance to any game it's instantly more fun! That's why any time we can pull folded paper from a cup, we do (however, it's not necessary). Here's how you play,



empty cup of any shape or size

paper (computer paper folded in half works fine, it'll give you four spaces to draw on so you don't end up wasting paper)




Cut small paper slips and clearly print adjectives on them (hot, cold, tired, heavy, smelly, and so on) then fold and place in cup.

Next pull a piece of paper from the cup. Once you have your adjective it's time to draw the word (if playing with kids that can read it's fun to keep words a secret to guess once finished)

Here are some examples of adjectives and drawings!




 Smelly ( a lot of kids had the same idea about this one!)





An Animal's Perspective!






In this game you simply draw something from an animals perspective (bugs can be included). This game can be slightly more difficult but children as young as six did wonderfully at it. Here are some examples!




Bird (note the feet and birdhouses)




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